Introduce: The human body emits low levels of light in the infrared spectrum, which can interact with living matter and actively resonate at the atomic and molecular level.
Aim: In this research, measurements of human bio-magnetic campus were done after applied passes by a bio-therapist to experimental fluids in a human serum sample and as a witness, in buffer solution with pH neutral, distilled water, and 0.9% NaCl solution, positioning the hands at 3 cm distances from sample tubs, and stimulating for 20 minutes, with the aim of quantifying changes in molecular structure in body fluids.
Method: In the measurement technology, a laboratory pH meter analyzer, calculates then the results, by a mathematical formula, in Fenton Tesla (ft)). Simultaneously, a urine stick modified the colour, by increasing the pH value from 0.30 to 0.50, after emersion into samples of human urine, thus becoming more alkaline.
Results: Based on quantum theory, (E= υ x h), calculated the intensity of levels of bio-energy in experimental fluids in follow values: electrical induced energy into bio-fluids, measured of pH - Meter, winning energy: (ÐE) = +_0.04 mV (4*10¯5 electron volts and the intensity of bio-magnetic field: 10 ft (4*10־5 e V/10¹²Ω = 4*10־7 A/m־¹º; 1 A/m = 79.6 Oe where 1 Oe = 10¯¹ mT = 1000/4 lambda/A/ cm.
-Mass of bio-human corpuscle from infrared wave: 2*10¯³² Kg, representing 1/10 from Electron Mass (M), when M=2E/c².
Conclusions: The impact of living matter with human radiation, from the infrared field, can be taken into account by alternative medicine, to transfer beneficial energy to a suffering human body, in a holistic vision.
Keywords: Velocity of light, Wavelength of light, Planck constant, Oester, Length, Electron mass