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Aging Pathological Disorders vs Industrial Revolution: A Sociological Appraisal

Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi*

Corresponding Author: Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.

Received: March 7, 2022 ;    Revised: March 10, 2022 ;    Accepted: March 16, 2022 ;   Available Online: May 1, 2022

Citation: Sheykhi MT. (2022) Aging Pathological Disorders vs Industrial Revolution: A Sociological Appraisal. J Ageing Rehab Res, 1(1): 1-2.

Copyrights: ©2022 Sheykhi MT. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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Sociologically speaking, pathology studies the cause and effect of social events with reference to time and place. It is not only related to disease or injury, but concerned with events and trends as well. In recent decades pathology has widely been used by sociologists in solving social problems. Recent social change of the 20th century followed by industrial revolution has led many societies to situations and disorders - needing pathology [1]. Psychopathology is also a system of pathology to find out the disorders related to mental illness. Mental or social disorders/behaviors seen as generally unhealthy within individuals or societies which need pathological investigations [2,3].


The growth of sociology followed the developments of the nineteenth-century industrial revolution in Europe and was shaped by social and European analysts such as Marx, Weber, and Durkheim. The European Industrial Revolution brought about wide-ranging social, economic, and cultural changes, and subsequently sociologists and economists such as Marx, Weber, and Durkheim acted on society under the influence of industry and its inevitable changes in its time. On the other hand, the great agricultural civilizations first appeared in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The industrialization of production, in addition to the many social changes that followed, also had gradual effects on the environment. Following industrial development and its establishment in predominantly urban areas, not only social and economic interactions changed, but also the urban environment, the geographical context of cities, and social communications as a whole. On the subject of the relationship between society and the environment, it should be added that the process of industrialization created the dependence of society on many inputs of non-renewable sources, especially fossil fuels. Dependence on these resources is more evident today than ever before. At the same time, with the access to and exploitation of these resources, the movement of the industrial wheels became more and more active, and the pollution caused by its resources also caused the gradual destruction of the environment. The Industrial Revolution, in addition to changing the production of various products, also changed social habits, consumption, habits, and environmental conditions.

One of the obvious consequences of industrialization is the emergence of disturbing the health of the environment and ecosystem, which is constantly increasing today. Socio-environmental issues, water constraints, water pollution, diseases caused by polluted water, etc. are among the challenges caused by the industrial environment. At a time when industry creates the conditions for improving life, improving the quality of life and well-being, at the same time, the challenges and negative consequences of industrial development have affected citizens in various ways, overtly and covertly. This movement and influence have always continued; In a way that today it has affected less developed countries as well. Some of the major effects of the Industrial Revolution is population growth, increasing life expectancy and density in urban areas. In general, changes in products, tools, processes; In other words, change in technology largely determines the development and destiny of the industrial society [4].


Every revolution in agricultural and industrial technology has completely transformed the relationship between social systems and ecosystems, and it continues to do so. The agricultural revolution brought about great changes in terms of food supply, more food production and how to use it, between different classes and different age groups. Similarly, industrial technology itself created facilities within societies; 

That in itself enabled people in the community to access more facilities and services. This process established longer life expectancy within communities. It also affected the technology of social systems, social patterns, value systems, and even ecosystems and the environment. Hence, the path of technology created a kind of social revolution and a great change in the environmental system.

In this way, the environment has been significantly affected. Today, one of the great problems of human societies is the vulnerability of the environment to the effects of agricultural and industrial technology. At the same time, communities, especially urban areas, need tools and technologies to neutralize the destructive effects of industry. Catalysts are tools that can generally prevent industrial pollution in a variety of situations. Many industrialized and developed countries use this tool in different positions. In this movement, human capacity has been increasing, and has always been followed by more initiatives. Although on the one hand industry and technology have caused the destruction of the environment and threats to human beings, on the other hand, human science and creativity, human genius and capacities, the connection of human capacities with each other through new means of communication and so on, this hope itself Shows that to a large extent the negative effects of industry and technology can be neutralized or reduced by new human creations. In general, human security today, although defined in terms of adequate food, adequate shelter, health, education, protection against violence, and variables of this kind, all depend on a healthier environment [5].

All the above-mentioned disorders caused by industries, extremely destroyed human life as well as the environment. Yet, the given transition by industrialization has provided human life with more security, longer life expectancy and increasing aging people. The global aging people has been mentioned 9% in 2020 [6].


  1. Pathy C (2005) Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford University Press.
  2. Allen F (2013) The New Crisis in Confidence in Psychiatric Diagnosis. Ann Intern Med 159(3): 221-222.
  3. Kendell R, Jablensky A (2003) Distinguishing Between the Validity and Utility of Psychiatric Diagnoses. Am J Psychiatry 160(1): 4-12.
  4. Gruber A (2002) Technological Change and the Environment.
  5. Hasan S (2015) Human Security and Philanthropy, Dordrecht: Springer.
  6. World Population Data Sheet (2020) Population Reference Bureau, Washington DC. Available online at:

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